#66 CFOs/Finance Pros Getting Smart on AI

Hi Everyone! đź‘‹ Welcome to the new members of @TheFundCFO crew! Appreciate you reading and sharing #65: WTF is Going On in VC (+ New Fund Model Data) & #60 Emerging VC Fund Tech Stacks, our most-read posts in 2023. Check them out!

Every Tuesday/Thursday, we bring you actionable tools, real-world experiences, and insider insights for #VC CFOs/Finance Pros and fund managers, #LP investors, and general industry enthusiasts/people who want to learn :).

“Every company will be an AI company.” -Tomasz Tunguz

CFOs/Finance Pros Getting Smart on AI

“Every startup needs an AI strategy.” This includes VC funds! We wrote about this previously and how it relates to VC GPs and CFOs/Finance Pros (#56 The AI Lucky Truck @ Chapter One & #39 AI Takeover & Impact on VC Funds).

Artificial intelligence (AI) is becoming increasingly prevalent for VC CFOs/finance pros, supercharging their powers. We are seeing AI-powered tools automate mundane and time-consuming tasks, allowing CFOs/finance pros to be more strategic.

Specifically, we are using AI tools in slide deck creation (i.e. Tome Raises $43m) and writing strategic analyses (have you heard of ChatGPT?!). We’re currently experimenting with financial modeling, accounting, and legal tools as well.

We’re building a comprehensive list. Do you have any favorite tools you’re using currently? Please drop them in the comments if so and/or reach out!

Where Can I Get Smarter on AI Tools & Actionable Next Steps?

Here are some of our favorite AI resources that we’re leaning into right now. We’ve curated a lot of the buzzy noise out there. These are resources that are tactical and action-oriented so they can help you in your daily routines. Here we go:

  1. No Priors: VCs Elad Gil and Sarah Guo talk to the world's leading AI engineers, researchers, founders about big questions: How far away is AGI? What markets are at risk for disruption? How will commerce, culture, and society change?

  2. DDVC: The impact of AI on the cost of starting and running a business: data-driven innovation in VC and connecting dots between research, AI, etc.

  3. Zain Kahn: The Ultimate 100 AI Tools: understand what's going on in AI, in plain simple English. Leverage AI to boost productivity.

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That’s all for today folks! Thanks for your support and spreading the word! Share this on Twitter or LinkedIn to help grow “the crew!”