#33 VC Resource Wednesday: Signature Block

Hi Everyone! 👋

Welcome to VC Resource Wednesday! Each week on Wednesday, we’ll highlight some of our favorite resources for #VC CFOs and fund managers, #LP investors, and general industry enthusiasts/people who want to learn :).

Our recent post “#31 VC Fund Model & Budget - Free Download” was a huge hit - widely shared and downloaded. Check it out!

Signature Block by Weekend Fund

This week, we’re highlighting Signature Block! Ryan Hoover and Vedika Jain from Weekend Fund started Signature Block “to crowdsource advice and learnings from experienced GPs and to make this the best resource for fund managers.”

Their site is broken down clearly into a number of key topics, including:

  • The basics

  • Fundraising

  • Portfolio management

  • Diligence & writing checks

  • Market maps

They’ve crowdsourced insights from a number of notable #VC #GP’s and #LP investors, including Jeff Morris Jr. @ Chapter One and Elizabeth Yin @ The Hustle Fund.

Checkout their website fore more detail, linked above! In the meantime, feel free to dive into the archives. A few of their most popular posts:• Should I start a fund?VC fund decks that closeHow to write LP updatesQuestions VCs ask foundersHow to say "no": A guide to passing

That’s all for today folks! Thanks for your support and for spreading the word! Share this on Twitter or LinkedIn to help grow “the crew!”