#133 Data in VC - Where's It Going?!?!

Hi everyone! đź‘‹ Welcome to our new members of @TheFundCFO crew! We recently launched a paid tier and released our VC Fund Playbook, Models, Compliance Checklist @ Streamlined.Fund! Re-linking top posts: #96 The Case for 30+ Co.'s Per VC Fund and the Full CFO Archive.

There’s a lot of great content from notable VCs, LPs, and CFOs/finance pros on the internet. Here, we’re focused on pulling out the insights out that really matter, as well as finding the most current content that overlays historical lessons with current market dynamics, which are changing faster than ever.

Every Tuesday/Thursday, we bring you actionable tools, real-world experiences, and insider insights for #VC CFOs/Finance Pros and fund managers, #LP investors, and industry enthusiasts/people who want to learn :). As a reminder:

  • Tuesday: insights + interviews. Free for everybody.

  • Thursday: deeper dives on VC GPs, CFO/COO strategy, more insights from LPs/GPs, and our take on what it all means (from 15+ yrs. of experience). Exclusive to Paid subscribers (most of whom expense these insights).

“A goal is a dream with a deadline.” -Napoleon Hill

Austin Marathon road closures to look out for this weekend | Community Impact

More Data in VC & Fund Finance - Where’s It All Going?!

Earlier this week, we unpacked the post from our friends at Signature Block: The data revolution in venture capital. Following the review, we looked back at our past writings on the topic, which include the following:

There are a lot of great insights packed in this prior content. The world also continues to shift and evolve with new data-driven strategies, articles, and insights. From these prior posts and many articles that we’ve digested since, as well as tactics implemented at various funds, we’ve pulled our top takeaways and insights for executing a data-driven strategy - read on!

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