#101 VC Deep Dive: Jason Lemkin, Mike Maples, Eric Paley

Hi Everyone! đź‘‹ Welcome to the new members of @TheFundCFO crew! We recently launched a paid tier and released our VC Fund Playbook + Models @ Streamlined.Fund! Re-linking some top 2023 posts: #67 Top VC CFO Posts & References & #65: WTF is Going On in VC (+ New Fund Model Data).

Every Tuesday/Thursday, we bring you actionable tools, real-world experiences, and insider insights for #VC CFOs/Finance Pros and fund managers, #LP investors, and industry enthusiasts/people who want to learn :). As a reminder:

  • Tuesday: insights + interviews. Free for everybody.

  • Thursday: deeper dives on VC GPs, CFO/COO strategy, more insights from LPs/GPs, and our take on what it all means (from 15+ yrs. of experience). Exclusive to Paid subscribers (most of whom expense these insights).

“Don’t do what you can do - try what you can’t do.” -William Faulkner

Thanks for all the great feedback on our recent VC deep dives! We’ve unpacked some insights from notable VCs around building generational firms (#99 IPOs Are Back / Early-Stage Upside, #97 Sequoia's Strength, #95 Footwork + 20VC, #93 VC DPI & Power Laws Today, #91 Fresh Takes From Top VCs, #89 Brad Gurley (Benchmark) + David Sacks (Craft), & #87 Building Generational Firms).

There’s a lot of great content from notable VCs, LPs, and CFOs/finance pros on the internet. Here, we’re focused on pulling out the insights out that really matter, as well as finding the most current content that overlays historical lessons with current market dynamics, which are changing faster than ever.

VC Deep Dive: Jason Lemkin, Mike Maples, Eric Paley

A recent 20VC podcast with Harry Stebbings brought together Jason Lemkin (SaaStr), Mike Maples Jr. (Floodgate), and Eric Paley (Founder Collective). These VCs all have enough experience and security to share real and direct insights that others simply won’t. Emerging manager Ty Findley (Ironspring) said it best:

“So many great VC 🎙 pod episodes out this year discussing the reset occurring, but this particular 20VC episode is the best yet and a masterclass on what it takes to build a venture firm for the long haul given the 'game on the field' is now back to normal. Eric Paley, Mike Maples, Jr, and Jason M. Lemkin have all delivered real DPI (not just speaking from TVPI mark-ups), which allows them to speak freely/candidly on what matters vs. what's hype. Appreciate the content Harry Stebbings, over the years you've democratized access to how the best do what they do - changed everything for us #EmergingManagers.”

Today, we go deeper into each of these managers and their firms, unpacking our top insights and ways to apply them as VC GPs, CFOs and Finance Pros build their VC firms in 2023 and beyond.

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